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Additional Search Products

Now, IdentiChek® customers may order many additional searches that compliment the basic and full IdentiChek® report. These include:

  1. New DriverChek®

  2. Search one of 42 states in real time for drivers license record information. This information is the best available.

  3. New DeepSonar® Reports

  4. These reports are similar to our IdentiChek® reports; however they incorporate additional data specifically related to businesses. Search by key individual, or by business name.

  5. New IntenseRay® Database

  6. The IntenseRay® Database allows you to search for an individual's criminal background at a state and county level.

  7. ARADS®

  8. ARADS® is one of the largest Web-based hyperlink libraries in the world with a programmatic search vehicle that enables counsel to examine a growing list of over 40,000 hyperlinks worldwide that have been culled from millions of Internet sites.

  9. DockuChek®

  10. DockuChek® is a brand new development that allows "direct searching" within the ultimate database source location. For example, by ordering a DockuChek® report, you can obtain a detailed listing of the exact location of data depositories at the local, state and federal level. We also include the URL address for access to the database backbone to do direct searching. No middleman, national aggregator or filters – you get access to the "virgin database source". Here are all the records centers that are included in DockuChek®:

    1. County Courts
    2. County Recorders
    3. County Level Record Retrievers
    4. State Agencies
    5. State Occupational Licensing Agencies
    6. US District Court
    7. US Bankruptcy Court
    8. Federal Record Center
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Investigative Consultants, Inc.

2020 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 813
Washington DC 20006

Phone: (202) 237-1500
Fax: (202) 237-8642
E-mail: DBerlin@icioffshore.com

Copyright © 1995- Investigative Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved.

ARADS®, ColdChek™, DirectChek™, DockuChek®, EuroChek®, Global Scan®, IdentiChek®, IncomeTrust™, and TerrorChek® are Trademarks of Investigative Consultants, Inc. All Rights Reserved.